Dr. Limor Gabay-Egozi, Quantitative Advisor
Dr. Limor Gabay Egozi received her PhD from Tel-Aviv University in 2011. Before coming to Bar-Ilan University she was a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course (CIQLE) at Yale University (2012-2014), and had held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Sociology at the University of Haifa (2010-2011). Her main areas of interest include Social Stratification and Inequality, the Sociology of Education, Rational Choice in Education, and Quantitative Research Methods.
As a sociologist with interest in stratification, Dr. Gabay-Egozi mainly focuses her research projects on the question who gets ahead and who falls behind. Her research interests are in sociological questions of stratification and inequality in education and the labor market focusing on gender, class, race, and sibship structure. Her research so far has focused on the educational system with data from Israel and the US.