Dr. Rachele Hassan, Italian Fellow

Rachele Hassan studied Law at La Sapienza University of Rome (graduated cum laude 2005) and completed her PhD in History and Comparative Law, at Roma Tre University of Rome and Uned University of Madrid (2010), with a thesis on Roman Law and Poetry. Her fields of research are Roman Law, Legal History, Latin Literature and Ancient Society.

She is a postdoctoral fellow at Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Law, and she teaches Italian language at the Open University of Israel and for the Heseg - Foundation for former lone soldiers. In 2015, she received a post-doctoral scholarship at the Faculty of Law, in Tel Aviv University, where she was previously awarded a postdoctoral scholarship in Classical Studies (2012-2014). In 2013, she won the Dan David Prize for Young Researchers, in the field of Past-Classics: The Modern Legacy of the Ancient World.

She published a book on Law and Literature in Horace ‘La poesia e il diritto in Orazio. Tra autore e pubblico’ (Naples, 2014), and a number of peer-reviewed articles: Tradizione giuridica romana antica e ideologia augustea. Un catalogo di dannati nel Tartaro virgiliano (Aen. 6.608-614)’ (Pavia, 2009); ‘Votum spopondit. Considerazioni a margine di Hercules Oetaeus 1295 ss.’, (Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis 2010); ‘Sacrilege as an Archetypal crime: between between Law and Religion in Horace’s Satire 1.3’ (Salerno, 2016); ‘Bees, Slaves, Emperors, Tyrants: Metaphors of Constitutional Change in Rome between the Republic and the Principate’ (Belgium, 2017 - forthcoming).